Microbloging it.

Multiple Wired to Microblog - Orange


If you’ve used any kind of social media, you have probably microbloged. Whether updating your status on Facebook or tweeting on Twitter, a microblog is simply sharing information, news, or other updates in a small post. That said, not all microblogs are made same. While some might enjoy knowing when you are brushing your teeth, doing your laundry, or making a sandwich, lifestreaming like that is probably not going to gain your organization the kind of attention and interest you’d like.

This article highlights 5 different kinds of Tweets libraries use. One of the most intriguing tips from this article is to use the Twitter search feature. Locating Tweets and responding to them in real time is a fantastic way engage and connect with community members. Make no mistake, there are not enough hours in the day to make responding to take advantage of all that Twitter has to offer for your organization, but some of these tools are designed to maximize the time you do have.  I’ve personally used Hootsuite to schedule posts and tweets and find it simple and effective.

Whats more, following other microblogs from associations, organizations and other “movers and shakers” in your field will keep you up-to-date on the latest news and innovations and give you lots of ideas and inspiration for your own work!   As an MLIS student my favourite accounts to follow on Twitter are: @ALA_JobLIST (because seeing that my dream job is out there keeps me motivated) @SILibraries (for links which are always interesting) @hacklibschool (for LIS students who think beyond the classroom) and @awfullibbooks (which is always good for a laugh!).

What are your favourite accounts to follow for your profession?

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